Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thursday, August 9, Kiev

 I'm not sure where the time went. Suddenly it's Thursday where I am, Wednesday where you are.
I had one full day in Sofia. At this stage of my travels each Summer my energy and interest level begin to wane.
The heat weighed on me though it was ten degrees "cooler" in Sofia than Skopje (95 degrees instead of 105F). I found myself falling asleep as I walked.

Of all the places I've visited I'd say Sofia seemed to be the most "livable" city. It is modest in size and full of appealing -looking places to live, small apartment buildings over well-kept shops. There's building going on but not so much to make a big impression. As we entered Bulgaria from the east I saw a succession of small towns and cities that haven't changed much from Soviet days. Endless rows of Soviet-style apartment buildings that haven't seen a paint job since 1962. And vestigial smokestacks atop moribund factories. Even the outskirts of Sofia to the east were like that. It was only when you penetrated into the heart of the city that you began to see a different, gentler place. I've never seen so many art galleries in such a small city.

WiFi problems...I'm going to try a new post to continue this....

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